Once your incard account has been created and validated, you can easily invite your team members by assigning them specific rights, corresponding to their role within your company.
You can invite a new team member by following these few steps:
Go to Settings
In the Team tab, click on "invite user"
Enter the basic information: first name, last name and email
The invitation has been sent to your new user
Currently, as soon as the user has joined, they will appear as an Admin
Identity checks
When you invite a new user to incard, they will receive a registration email asking them to fill in some security information to allow their identity to be verified. This verification is necessary to allow your employees to receive a virtual or physical payment card.
Reinvite a user to incard
Please note that the invitation is only active for 5 days. You can re-invite a user to incard if they have not seen or received your first invitation by email. To do this, you will find the option "Resend invitation" on the profile of your invited user.